from Dr. Nicole Paradise-Black
That would be 3 AAP CATCH grants obtained by our residents this cycle!!! There were over 100 applications and only about 23 awarded this cycle. Three of the awardees are our residents, Drs, Diana Montoya, Olivia Potter and Nasim Moshtagh. Our residents have the skills to prepare the grants through excellent mentorship (Drs. Lossius, Butler, Ryan, Vijayan, Keith and so many others…) and have amazing ideas to make the lives of our patients and families better. Please join me in congratulating these women and their great accomplishments!!
Dr. Diana Montoya’s project (mentor Dr. Vijayan): Cocooning in high school
Dr. Olivia Potter’s project (mentor Dr. S. Ryan): Gainesville LGBTQ Youth Group
Dr. Nasim Moshtagh’s project (mentor Dr. Keith): Staying ahead of asthma