The Division of Pediatric Neurology is pleased to announce the visit of faculty candidate Changqing Li, PhD, beginning Monday, February 27, 2012 through Tuesday, February 28, 2012.
Academic / Professional Background
Dr. Li earned his BS in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering from Northwestern Polytechnical University in Xi’an China, in 1995. He earned master’s degrees in Engineering Mechanics from Tsinghua University in Beijing, China, in 1998; Mechanical Engineering from Clemson University, in 2000; and Electrical Engineering, also from Clemson University, in 2002. He earned his PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Florida in 2006.
Dr. Li began his career as a postdoctoral scholar in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of California Davis, in 2007. During his tenure as a postdoctoral scholar he earned the Molecular Imaging Postdoctoral Award from the Society of Nuclear Medicine. Currently, Dr. Li is an Assistant Project Scientist of Biomedical Engineering at UC Davis.
Research Summary
“I have a strong research background and a solid record obtaining external funding. I have published 27 peer-reviewed journal papers and have been requested to review papers for 14 journals. Recently, I have been awarded an R21 grant (1R21EB013828-01, $397,480, 07/15/2011 – 06/30/2013) from the National Institute of Health (NIH) as the Principle Investigator (PI). The goal of this project is to develop an X-ray luminescence optical imaging system based on X-ray excited nanoparticles which emit optical photons. In 2009, I have been the sole recipient of the Society of Nuclear Medicine Postdoctoral Molecular Imagine Scholar Program Award ($60,000, 07/01/09 – 06/30/11). The goal of this award was to construct and characterize a simultaneous PET/FOT system using the microPET II platform and an EMCCD-based fluorescence system. My pioneering work on Cerenkov imaging brought an R21 grant (R21 CA143098, PI: Simon Cherry) to Professor Cherry’s lab.
My research activities are within the general scope of biomedical imaging including three-dimensional (3D) fluorescence optical tomography (FOT) for small animals, Cerenkov Luminescence Imaging/Tomography, X-ray Luminescence Optical Tomography (XLOT), Computed Tomography (CT), and Positron Emission Tomography (PET). My PhD dissertation focused on breast cancer detection using diffuse optical tomography (DOT). A multispectral DOT imaging system was been built and a new calibration method was proposed.”